Saturday, July 02, 2005

finally got a clear break in the weather, and, spent another day at the lake. i've written some cedar lake poetry, but that's about all i have to show for my time, besides a couple of babies who know who their father is. a number of things are happening professionally; it keeps me busy. but sometimes one has to do with one hand, as the other is occupied, and that tends to limit activities...

here's where i swim; i'll stick it right on here as soon as i find out who took the photo. nice weather, huh?

it's back to work soon; there's nothin' for it, as they say, but i'll take what's left of the holiday first. my idea of patriotism is doing what i usually do, which is:

-working on a play about wwII (should shut up & just do it);
-trying to keep my tomatos & beans from frying in the drought;
-getting my add treated, so i don't kill my kids from being distracted;
-methodically changing all cesl webpages to the new template, 'nuf said;
-investigating the history of SNAP, support network for those abused by priests, as a favor to my wife;
-learning more about haiku, though the more i learn, the more i resolve my philosophy, which is: stop calling it haiku; stop worrying about rules; let others worry about what it is & what to call it; make more; do carbondale; catch the moments of my life, as they are, with an eye that finds magic & poetry.
-stay away from the fireworks, as apparently they are not until 9:30 this year, which is too late for a 3-mo.-old and a 3-yr.-old, not to mention me, and remember, drinking & explosives don't mix; neither do drinking & cars, or explosives & cars. Fiddling & patriotism, however, are a good mix. Summer & barbeque, now yer talkin.


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